Building on 130 years of experience in water management, Idrica was launched as a leader in digital transformation for the water industry. The company commercializes GoAigua technology on a global scale and provides services and technological solutions for water cycle management.
The utility of the future will likely operate on a fully digital system. This means that utilities face a digital transformation of their organization and business. This can begin with quick moves to improve efficiency and expand the customer base. As the transformation builds momentum, it should open deeper digital opportunities across a wide field.
Digital transformation creates several challenges, but the opportunities created by data collection and exchange are greater, giving water companies new product and management options.
Helping utilities achieve this is exactly where Idrica comes in. The company was spun out from Global Omnium, which has 130 years of experience in water management in the Valencia region, in Spain, to commercialize its next generation GoAigua technology on a global scale. GoAigua collects information from all distributed data sources in the utility, allowing for a continuous integration of SCADAs, GIS, ERP, AMI, CMMS, IoT sensors, and other legacy systems. The proven technology has been deployed by 400 utilities globally to improve operation and maintenance, asset management, customer experience and resilience.
Idrica also provides consultancy services to deliver fully-fledged digital transformation solutions. According to Mr. Chema Nebot, Head of Business Development at Idrica, “we are vendor-agnostic; our aim is to support utilities in their digital transformation route”.
“We don’t tell them to get rid of their legacy systems. Where our key strength lies is in the complex integration of legacy systems with next generation digital tools. This results in a more holistic approach, as opposed to departmental silos.” Digital transformation is a massive undertaking, and a complicated one. However, the opportunities are even larger, in customer relationship management, for example, but also in optimizing maintenance management at the asset level, as well as in supporting efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, and everything in between.
Idrica will approach global markets with an individual strategy tailored to each region, depending on how utilities are governed and financed, and how open they are to fully-fledged digitization. The coronavirus crisis has made clear that it is of crucial importance that utilities can be managed and monitored remotely, through digital tools, so a growing number of companies are starting their digital transformation processes.