Water technology services company Idrica has been awarded, as part of a joint venture that includes telecom company Orange and six other firms, a Red.es project that aims to apply 5G technology to the management of the integral water cycle.
Initially, the project will focus on Valencia and includes a use case associated with the management of the water cycle led by Idrica. In addition to Idrica and Orange, the companies Vision, Robotnik, CFZ Cobots, Retit, Arborea and Etra are participating in the joint venture. The project has just started to operate, in October 2020.
“We are proud to be able to give Spain an important boost in the adaptation of 5G technology in such a critical aspect as the entire water cycle,” explained Chema Nebot, Head of Business Development at Idrica.
The project includes the implementation of one of the most relevant contributions that 5G provides: MIoT (Massive Internet of Things), which allows to connect and manage a large number of devices connected to the network.
Idrica is a multinational company in the water technology sector. Headquartered in Valencia, Spain – and with operations in Europe, the United States, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America – Idrica aims to become a leader in the digital transformation of the water sector, providing services and technological solutions for the management of the entire water cycle.
Idrica está participando en el Plan Nacional 5G, que ejecuta la entidad pública empresarial Red.es, impulsado por el Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital y cofinanciado con el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). En el marco de este plan, se desarrollan en Valencia quince proyectos piloto para aplicar la nueva tecnología móvil 5G a distintos sectores de la economía.
La compañía nació a principios de este año con un equipo fundador de 180 expertos, y en torno a la tecnología GoAigua, implementada hace una década en la centenaria empresa española de aguas Global Omnium, que ha convertido a la ciudad de Valencia en líder mundial en la industria.