Idrica and Fivecomm to lead the event “The 5G revolution in the water industry”

Idrica, the international company that specializes in providing services and solutions for water utilities, and Fivecomm, the Spanish startup focusing on research and development into 5G solutions, are set to lead the latest event about the future of water management.

The webinar “The 5G revolution in the water industry, ready for the future?”, will be led by Chema Nebot, Business Development Director at Idrica, and Héctor J. Donat, CEO of Fivecomm. Tecnoaqua will be providing the technical support.

Next Thursday, May 13, 2021, at 16:00 CEST, both companies will be reflecting on 5G and its applicability in water management. Do we really know what 5G is? Are water utilities ready for its implementation? In which areas of the water cycle will it be used? These are some of the questions that the webinar will be answering.

The 5G revolution in the water industry

During the online event, Chema Nebot will be discussing the most innovative use cases on the horizon in his presentation “5G as a game changer in the water industry”. For example, the coexistence of smart water meters with other digital devices, sensors extended lifetime, improved security protocols for critical infrastructures, real-time control of drones and remote technical assistance.

Héctor J. Donat will be revealing why 5G is considered an ideal technology for industrial environments, thanks to its design focused on efficiently and effectively supporting machine-to-machine communications. In his presentation “The future only speaks 5G”, he will be discussing how this technology provides higher transmission speeds, more connections in the same area, ultra-low communications latency, high data security and reliability, and lower energy consumption. Thus, it can cater for the communication requirements of a large number of verticals, enhancing their current applications and providing new ones.

The presentations will be followed by a Q&A section for all attendees. Want to learn first-hand about the next transformation in the water industry? Don’t miss the webinar “The 5G revolution in the water industry, ready for the future?”. Free registration here (in Spanish) >

About the panelists

  • Chema Nebot has a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain). He has a Master’s degree in Radio Communications from the École Supérieure d’Electricité (SUPELEC) in Paris. He has always been involved in the technology sector in business development management roles in different multinational telecom companies such as EXFO, Astellia and Ingenia Telecom. He is currently Head of Business Development at Idrica, leading the sales, marketing, tender and documentation divisions.
  • Héctor J. Donat has a degree in Telecommunications Engineering and is the CEO of Fivecomm. He pursued his professional career in the world of mobile telecommunications in Ericsson for 14 years, specializing in 3G, 4G and 5G technologies. As an SME (subject-matter expert) at Ericsson, he focused on 4G and 5G dealing with 46 countries. In 2017, he was part of the R&D team at Ericsson in Kista, Sweden, providing expertise to drive the development of the first 5G radio products, and cloud virtualization of 4G and 5G. In 2019-2020, he was the Spanish CTO for Orange and Masmovil accounts at Ericsson.

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