Featured Case Study
GoAigua guarantees the continuity and quality of water services in a context of crisis
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Yorkshire Water implemented Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua to improve the management of non-revenue water.
Application of the strategic planning approach to guide the digital transformation process of EPS SEDACUSCO utility.
GoAigua Water Twin Ace was implemented in EMIMET’s distribution network to improve operational efficiency and extend the useful life of its infrastructure.
The GoAigua solutions boosted water efficiency in EPS Grau and introduced flow and pressure monitoring, reducing its non-revenue water by 15%.
The Navarre Regional Government has improved the management of extreme events in its river basins thanks to the GoAigua EWS early warning system.
GoAigua enabled SAPAL to unify all its data, leading to a reduction in water losses and energy costs.
Global Omnium integrated the information from its remote metering infrastructure into a single platform for its subsequent management and exploitation.
GoAigua has made Global Omnium a world leader in the water sector thanks the digital transformation of its services.
The integration of real-time data eliminated silos of information and turned billions of data points into actionable insights.
The project combined billing and collection services, customer care, and O&M to boost water efficiency and achieve financial sustainability.