The airport had to deal with a large volume of non-registered water in its extensive water distribution networks. In the light of this situation, the implementation of Idrica’s services and technology managed to boost efficiency in the facilities. The results included a 60% reduction in the number of leaks and a 20% drop in maintenance costs.
Challenges of the project
The airport was struggling with a large volume of undetected losses and leaks in its extensive distribution network, running into thousands of m3.
In this context, a regulated inventory had to be implemented to manage the facility’s assets and to establish a monitoring system for the distribution network. Centralized management of distribution and supplies also had to be introduced.
About Hamad International Airport
The airport, which is located in the city of Doha, Qatar, has been operating since 2014 and has a capacity of 30 million passengers a year.
- Sector: Aeronautical
- Location: Doha, Qatar
- Technology: GoAigua – Leaks
- Service: Consultancy
Solution applied
The project combined engineering services with the implementation of GoAigua’s technological solution to combat leaks.
- First, the distribution networks were mapped out and assets were cataloged.
- The facilities were then sensorized to monitor processes and detect leaks, using flowmeters and pressure gauges.
- Finally, data was integrated to centralize management and provide a holistic view of the network. GoAigua’s technological solution centralized the detection of leaks and automated the creation and prioritization of work orders for the customers. In addition, the new system displayed real-time information about assets and set up an automatic alarm system.
Idrica guided Hamad International Airport in the process by providing a digital transformation consultancy service. This included technical areas, processes and the transfer of knowledge to operators.
Benefits and results
Idrica’s combination of services and technology provides each customer with a holistic view of the entire water cycle.
The project enabled Hamad Airport to reduce non-registered water through network mapping, the installation of sensors and centralized management of its assets, facilities and distribution networks.
The cataloguing, monitoring and integration of information using Big Data technologies managed to reduce the costs of installing digital solutions, maintenance and energy consumption. In addition, the automation of work orders meant greater efficiency in field work and faster responses to leaks.
-60% leaks in the distribution network
-80% installation costs of digital solutions
-20% maintenance costs
-15% energy consumption at the airport
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We support water sector organizations in their digital transformation process. Send us a message with your details and one of our specialists will contact you with personalized advice.
We will help you analyze your digital transformation needs and find the right fit for your company.