Digital twin implementation at Toronto Water
- Client: Toronto Water
- Project location: Toronto (Canada)
- Solution applied: Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua Platform- Real-time What-if Scenarios & Leak Detection
This project implemented Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua’s Leak Detection + Real-Time What-If Scenarios application to deploy a digital twin for Toronto Water (TW), the utility that manages Canada’s largest, most complex water system. It also defined a roadmap to ensure the success of the company’s digital transformation. The utility’s assets include four treatment plants, 18 pumping stations, four elevated storage tanks and 11 underground reservoirs, as well as more than 6,000 km of distribution pipelines, among other types of facilities.
The project ascertained the degree of digital maturity and the feasibility of adopting a digital twin at TW to provide proactive pressure control and manage demand in the water distribution system.
The implementation of the Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua platform improved Toronto Water’s customer service, enabled predictive analytics to assess system impact, optimized inter-departmental coordination and established the core processes required for good data governance and integration.
The Real-Time What-if Scenarios & Leak Detection solutions were deployed on top of the platform’s Smart Water Engine, which eliminates information silos and unifies data regardless of its source. This integrated all historical and real-time data streams into a single platform and helped to run real-time hydraulic simulations based on the most up-to-date data sets from SCADA, IoT, AMI and other systems.
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